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I am a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Sydney School of Economics and the ARC Life Course Centre. Prior to my current appointment, I completed my Ph.D. in applied economics at the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University in 2022.
My research interests include labor and development economics. In my dissertation, I combine large-scale administrative and survey data with causal inference techniques to examine (1) the short-term impact of international students on local labor markets and establishments in the US and (2) the effects of an increase in women's intra-household bargaining power on children's university enrollment in Indonesia. At the Life Course Centre, my research seeks to (3) understand how early childcare accessibility affects mothers' labor market outcomes and well-being in Australia and (4) reduce gambling and substance abuse among young adolescents in Bangladesh.
I am also the translator behind the Vietnamese editions of Alvin E. Roth's Who Gets What and Why (Tri Thuc Publishing House, 2017) and David S. Evans and Richard L. Schmalensee's Matchmakers: The New Economics of Multisided Platforms (joint with Chi Tran; The Gioi Publishers, 2019), and the editor of the Vietnamese translation of Richard Thaler's The Winner's Curse.
You can reach me at tung.dang[at]sydney.edu.au.